Guys, i need some help! Recently, I just got a notification stated that I got permanent suspended from playing Valorant again. I was shocked cause it told me that I had installed cheats, malware and etc. The thing is I DID NOT INSTALLED ANY OF THOSE NOR CHEAT IN THE GAME EVER SINCE THE RELEASE OF THE GAME...
I even tried to go to the Riot Games Support to settle this matter but to no avail.... They kept on telling me that my account was confirmed that it has cheats, malware or etc. Furthermore, they didn't want to elaborate on the matter at all. By the way, I have been playing the game using mobile hotspot ever since the release and then I heard from my friends that I could get a 'force positive ban'(I guess that's what it's called) if I were to do so. This is so unfair.
I don't know what to do guys, what should I do? Please help me.