Hello, I am in silver 3 and there is leaver ever one on a 2 games on my side, probably every game generaly.
What are the penalties for leaver ? 1 hour without playing ? You have to make it way more punitive since you don't want to make team with leavers loose less. I literaly lost normal with 3 leavers in my team, moreover, had to play 10 rounds without the possibility to surrender since someone randomly ask surrender round 1 and we voted no (people did not have left already).
I am really trying to enjoy the game but it is impossible, when there is 1 or 2 leavers in my team that frequently.
Moreover it would be very appreciated if we could have server where people with more than 100 pings could not connect, even if the queue time would be higher. In europe it is ridiculous I choose Paris servers, and I play with people from turkey with 200 ping perma disconnecting then leaving.
The game starts to feel unplayable in solo queue.
I will make a historic of my soloQ games:
-1: 3 leavers ally / 0 ennemy
-2: 1 leaver ally / 2 ennemy
-3: 0 leaver