GravenFear its always worth doing mate... its become people think "its not worth doing" that the problem grows to such a large problem and then we try to apply whats called the bandaid solution... which means you cant use a bandaid on a broken and open wound it wont solve the issue, the issue will still get infected and such....
got to do whats needed in the first place period...
"15 minutes -> 30 minutes -> 1 hour -> 1 hour 30 minutes -" this is a prime example of bandaid solution... you know what will happen if you do this??? people will go pfft 1 hour is nothing... then with the cooldown it will reset before they leave another game and the problem is still there, with another problem arising which is players will be sick and tired of those mor0ns and toxicity now grows... (p.s. its already here.... hint hint)
and you are wrong about TFT by the way... the reason TFT isnt toxic is not coz of your reason its cause players don't need to rely on mor0ns to grow a brain to win... winning is a direct result by what you do and what you do alone.....
but with how bad TFT currently is with hero stealing item stealing and morons who are 100% guaranteed to lose who dont want to i forget the word for it but change their build to a winning one before they lose... and thus players are getting frustrated or in riots logic "toxic" and its always because of morons....
and reading what you said about TFT makes me realize you have no understanding of how TFT currently works.... there are many ways to screw other players over in TFT... what game have you been playing facepalm