zehcee ROFL ROFL this made me laugh in real life... if you think i have an advantage with 200 ping you are a complete moron.... how in the hell do you think 200 ping (clearly doesnt understand how ping works facepalm) has an advantage over 20 ping or 5 ping which is what id get on aus servers??? you are either trolling or a complete half wit i cant tell......
200 ping when peaking means you will have slower reaction time and they wont, 200 ping means if you lose the fight you are 100% dead coz you are LAGGING to retreat they dont.... you understand how ping works right???
the more ping the harder it is to move or do anything first attempt and you potentially see things that happened already .... dont ever post something like what you posted again trust me you look and sound like an idl.ot facepalm