[upl-image-preview url=https://valorantforums.com/assets/files/2020-06-19/1592592722-863933-img-20200619-153144577.jpeg]
Codename: Hermes
Nationality: Greek
Abilities are related to movement and kinetic force:
Adrenaline (E): Boosts his own speed. Recharges every kill
Speed drain (Q): Steals kinetic force from enemy, causing It to slow down movement for few time. Holds the kinetic force in a sphere (similar to Sage's) that can be thrown at an allie to highly increase speed or thrown at the ground to create a minor speed boost area (similar to the orb from Spike rush)
Ionized dust (C): Casts a wall of ionized dust that blocks view but speeds up bullets that pass through, causing higher damage. Can be cast by drawing It on the ground, wich allows It to be highly curvable.
Ion Barrier (X): Creates a translucid Barrier (similar to barrier phase walls) that allows teammates to shoot through, but blocks enemies bullets. If you have a charge of Ionized dust, you can combine It with the ultimate to increase damage of bullets that pass throught the barrier, still being able to see through It
What do you guys think of this? Would It be great addition to the game? Comment your thoughts and please don't mind english mistakes, Im Brazilian. Also If you have anything to suggest that would add to the concept feel free to comment It.